
时间:2024-02-12 06:34:11



英文道歉信 篇1

Hello from Amazon.ca

I completely understand your concern in this regard.Please accept our sincere apologies for this listing on our website.

Customer feedback like yours really helps us continue to improve our store and provide better service to our customers.

This being the reason, I’ve forwarded the information regarding this listing to the appropriate people internally to investigate further and to take appropriate actions to remove Suicide T-shirts related items from our website as soon as possible.

We realize this incident reflects negatively upon Amazon.ca

and the feedback you've provided has been passed on to the relevant people.

We do want to make sure that our site is safe and convenient for all buyers, and for that reason there are rules governing the listing of certain items.

Since I've forwarded this to the appropriate department I can assure you that soon we will remove this item from our website.

In addition to a wide selection of items, one of our aims at Amazon.ca is to provide a convenient and efficient service; in this case, we have not met that standard, please accept my sincere apologies.

I'm very sorry about all of this. I hope you'll consider this an isolated incident and give us another chance in the future. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Thanks for giving us time to find the best solution.

We'd appreciate your feedback. Please use the links below to tell us about your experience today.

Best regards,

Kumaresh R.

英文道歉信 篇2

Dear Dr. M.C.(note: name of the editor),

I am terribly sorry to write this letter to you for my apology.

When I know about this affair, I was not too much startled and shocked, because after the student sent the same article to two of your magazines, I had found it from my E-mail massage. Immediately I gave the student very serious criticizes.

Anyhow, on the following day, the “AFM”(Note: name of the journal), one of the two magazines, gave the feedback response, saying that this article is rejected for some reasons. Therefore, I took it for granted that there is no more problem of “one paper for two magazines”, and neglected apology. Now I do realize this serious matter and feel absolutely sorry about that.

As for this irrecoverable thing, I am to blame. I was so careless with my student’s action. This is a warning to me to be more careful in the future. Although the student’s distributing one article to two magazines is without my permission but only her own action, I do not want to escape from my responsibility as a teacher. In this regard, I am deeply disappointed and saddened. However, I wish this matter will teach my student a lesson.

Lastly, I would like now to apologize to you for all the troubles and problems that have happened. I promise that this kind of thing will never happen again. I hope I can have your forgiveness, and please give me chances to contact with you in the future.

Thank you for listening to what I have said.

  Sincerely yours,


英文道歉信 篇3

Dear Miss ,

I’m your student Tian Chen. Today I’m writing this letter to apologize for my absenteeism in your class with the mood of repentant and ashamed. I have already known my mistake and promised that it will never ever happen again.

When I got my steps into this campus, you and other teachers warned us have to attend classes on time and there was not allowed absenting. Meanwhile I also was told that if I really have any reasonable reasons I suppose to ask for leave first. Only after I got permission can I be out of the class. I have to explain why I was out this time. One of my friends came to visit me. That friend is someone who I really care about somehow lost touch with me for quite a long time. When he arrived here was the time happen to you class began. I chose to give up that class because I can’t wait to meet him after the class as well as in my opinion there is no need to ask for leave to you just for that inadequate excuse. Even though I did that with deep compunction I still did that. That’s why the letter came to you: I’m showing my introspection of making such this mistake!

I do apologize for my absenteeism. The mistake I made run counter to my principals. I know you are angry with me. I’m so sorry to disappoint you. Moreover, as a student, to attend every class without any stupid excuses is our liability and I didn’t perform the responsibility of being a student. After that I thought for a long time and it’s going to my time to pay the price for my impulsion. I have deadly wrong information in my mind which includes three reasons:

First of all is that I don’t have much thought consciousness. If I really interested in this class would I will be absent? Definitely not. I should focus on study more meanwhile value the resources available for us right now. We will not have any classes like in campus when we go into society. How can we despise the precious chances!

Secondly, lack of respect to either you or this class which is cannot be forgiven. From now on I going to show more respect to you and the knowledge as well as pay more attention to important affairs. The lazy in my body have to be gotten rid of.

The last one is that I made a bad influence upon other students. If everyone could be absent to the class then the situation will be out of control. There is no more discipline, no more regulation, will absolutely disturb the normal instructing.

Above all, I already aware it’s a severe mistake. I promise I will behave myself much better in the future and completely eradicate this kind of things happen again. Please forgive me this time and trust me in my future!

Sincerely faithful,

Your student: Tian Chen


英文道歉信 篇4

Dear English teacher: Iam so sorry that I have absented your English class for three times.But I am not quite myself then.

I say sorry that I dont come to have the class.I am not deliberately. Ihave felt the strong sins now.

That I want that you can give me another chance.Every student can be a deponent.that I will not do it again .

IF I do it again,I will do as the teacher says.All things that I say come from my heart.please pardon me .

Now I will say 'sorry,teacher,I will not do it again

Thats all

